Work History
Veronika Chvátalová

Veronika Chvátalová

Transdisciplinary Researcher


Committed researcher with experience from academia, state and non-governmental environment using transdisciplinary methods to generate and share important information with a wide range of audiences. Successfully engaged stakeholders from local farmers, across nature conservationists to municipality leaders for sustainable agriculture development. Proficient experience in working in interdisciplinary and international project teams.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Sustainable Development Officer

Charles University
04.2024 - 6 2024

Provided technical support for the organisation of conferences and workshops on the SDGs for both university and non-university audiences.
Mapped and helped implement good practice principles in the areas of Water, Green Space and Ecosystem Services and Catering


Česká Společnost Ornitologická (BirdLife)
10.2023 - 03.2024

Collaborated in the preparation of the conference and webinar.
Popularized the topic of agricultural landscape sustainability through a presentation at a webinar for the professional public and a lecture at Masaryk University.
Participated in writing press releases and popularization articles on the topic of cooperation of diverse actors in the implementation of landscape measures.


Our Common Home
04.2023 - 06.2023

Managed public opinion survey on energy security, renewables and community energy. Selected the research agency, quality controlled their work and provided expert input to the research. Mapped and engaged non-profit organisations in the Czech Republic to create a communications campaign.

Regional Development Administration Officer

Ministry of Regional Development
02.2023 - 06.2023

Conducted a review of advances in settlement adaptation to climate change and its mitigation. Contributed the outcomes to the Second Report on Quality of Life and Sustainability. Updated the corresponding policy proposal section of the Strategic Framework of the Czech Republic 2030. Co-facilitated the public procurement of the promotional publication How to make municipalities sustainable and provided editorials on the SDGs.

Junior Specialist

10.2020 - 07.2022

Analysed environmental, geographical and sociological data. Coordinated stakeholders from agriculture, local government and nature conservation and supported them to collaboratively adapt to climate change in agricultural landscapes. Thanks to successful negotiations, we jointly planted an avenue along a farm road.

Published the results of my research and practical experience as the main author of the certified methodology and co-authored a scientific article.

Initiated and contributed to the preparation of the first comprehensive database of subsidies for landscape measures on agricultural land.

Research assistant

Graz University of Technology
02.2018 - 04.2018

Project G-TwYST (Genetically modified plants Two Year Safety Testing): Work packages 5 “Analysis of normative dimensions linked to the scientific controversy” and 7 “Stakeholder Engagement, Communication and Dissemination”

  • Participated in performing literature and policy documents research, qualitative data analysis, preparation of a journal manuscript and a report from stakeholder consultation.
  • Gained experience of working in an international interdisciplinary team, enhanced analytical skills, English communication, and time management skills.


Ph.D. - Environmental Studies

Masaryk University
Brno, Czech Republic
05.2014 - 05.2020

Ph.D. Candidate - Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology

Charles University
Prague, Czech Republic
04.2001 - 05.2014

Master of Science - Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology

Charles University
Prague, Czech Republic
10.2010 - 05.2012

Bachelor of Science - Biology

Charles University
Prague, Czech Republic
10.2007 - 05.2010


    Microsoft Office Programs





    Mendeley reference manager

    Interview techniques

    Research reporting

    Literature reviews

    Organisational skills

    Stakeholder engagement

    Driving licence B


  • 2020-2022: Member of ENSSER The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility
  • 2011-2013: Co-founder and member of the Journal Club of Evolutionary Biology Laboratory at Charles University


  • 08/2022 and 07/2023 Provided consultation services regarding sustainable agriculture to private persons on a voluntary basis
  • 07/2013 and 08/2014 Volunteer at an organic farm in Vorarlberg, Austria



  • Flegr, J. et al. (2024). Cognitive Effects of Toxoplasma and CMV Infections: A Cross-Sectional Study of 557 Young Adults Considering Modulation by Sex and Rh Factor. Pathogens, 13(5):363.
  • Chvátalová, V., Malá, S. & Meierová, T. Jak na spolupráci pro udržitelný rozvoj krajiny. [How to achieve cooperation for sustainable landscape development - certified methodology]. Brno: Ekotoxa, 2022.
  • Meierová, T. & Chvátalová, V. (2022). Frustrated or fulfilled? Motivation of Czech farmers to implement climate change adaptation measures on the landscape level. Journal of Rural Studies, 92, 354-370.
  • Chvátalová, V. (2021). The post-market environmental monitoring of GM maize in the EU has a limited capacity to identify adverse effects. Environmental Science and Policy, 121(October 2020), 11–17.
  • Chvátalová, V. (2021). Czech farmers’ attitudes towards genetically modified crops. Journal of Rural Studies, 83, 246–256.
  • Chvátalová, V. (2020). Czech Farmers’ Experience with Bt Maize: Fulfilment, and the Opposite, of Monsanto’s Promises. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 68(1), 25–38.
  • Chvátalová, V. (2019). A critical evaluation of EFSA’s environmental risk assessment of genetically modified maize MON810 for honeybees and earthworms. Environmental Sciences Europe, 31(52), 1–17.
  • Chvátalová, V. et al. (2018). Differences in cognitive functions between cytomegalovirus-infected and cytomegalovirus-free university students: A case control study. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1–12.
  • Flegr, J. et al. (2018). Lower performance of Toxoplasma-infected, Rh-negative subjects in the weight holding and hand-grip tests. PLoS ONE, 13(7), 1–12.
  • Černík, M., Chabada T., Činčera, J. & Chvátalová, V. (2018). Territorial ecological limits to the lignite surface mining in North Bohemia. In K. Iwińska, M. Jones & M. Kraszewska (Eds.), Widening Interdisciplinary Sustainability Education (pp.163–180). Warsaw: Collegium Civitas.
  • Chabada T., Černík, M., Činčera, J. & Chvátalová, V. (2018). Local referendum about the relocation of the railway station. In K. Iwińska, M. Jones & M. Kraszewska (Eds.), Widening Interdisciplinary Sustainability Education (pp. 195–204). Warsaw: Collegium Civitas.
  • Kleisner, K., Chvátalová, V., & Flegr, J. (2014). Perceived intelligence is associated with measured intelligence in men but not women. PloS One, 9(3), 1–7.


  • Kurka J., ed. Jak na udržitelné obce. Vzorkovník úspěšných řešení. [How to make a municipality sustainable. A blueprint for successful solutions.] Praha: Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj, ČR, 2023. ISBN: printed version: 978-80-7538-487-4; online version: 978-80-7538-488-1.
  • Chvátalová, V., & Spök, A. (2018). Stakeholder consultation report - interpretation and conclusion stage. Report prepared for the G-TwYST project.
  • Chvátalová, V. (2017). Science for policy: assessing genetically modified crops in the EU. Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2017 on “Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies” 8-9 May 2017.
  • Chvátalová, V. (2017). Jak nám kvete geneticky modifikovaná pšenka? [How are genetically modified crops thriving?] Sedmá Generace (socio-ecological magazine), 8–11.
  • Chvátalová, V. & Koháková, M. (2014). Přesyceni jistotou [Oversaturated by certainty] Právo (national newspaper), 4–4.


  • Chvátalová, V. & Kadavá, M. (2024). "Význam spolupráce při přípravě, realizaci a následné péči o krajinné prvky [The importance of cooperation in the preparation, implementation and subsequent care of landscape features]" presented at the webinar Praktické zkušenosti s přípravou a realizací krajinných prvků [Practical experience in the preparation and implementation of landscape elements]
  • Meierová, T. & Chvátalová, V. (2022). Organiser and facilitator of a workshop for professional public "Jak lépe chápat frustrované stakeholdery [How to better understand frustrated stakeholders]", Prague, Czech Republic
  • Chvátalová, V. (2021). "Tvorba kolaborativního partnerství [The creation of collaborative partnership]" presented at the online conference Krajina voleb: Zemědělství a lesnictví před výzvami nadcházejících let [The landscape of the elections: agriculture and forestry facing the challenges of the coming years]
  • Chvátalová, V. (2019). "Czech farmers’ attitudes to and risk perception of genetically modified crops" Paper presented at the 18th Annual STS Conference Graz 2019, Graz, Austria
  • Chvátalová, V. (2018). "Twelve years with genetically modified maize on Czech fields: reality check" Paper presented at the 17th Annual STS Conference Graz 2018, Graz, Austria
  • Chvátalová, V. (2017). "Science for policy in the genetically modified crops assessment" Paper presented at the 16th Annual STS Conference Graz 2017, Graz, Austria
  • Chvátalová, V. (2017). "Věda (zne)užitá k hodnocení environmentálních rizik geneticky modifikovaných plodin [Science (mis)used for environmental risk assessment of genetically modified crops]" Paper presented at the 4th Student conference Výkvěty, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Chvátalová V. (2017) Invited speaker in a public discussion "Planeta k sežrání? [Eating up the planet?]" organised by a socio-ecological magazine Sedmá generace, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Chvátalová, V. (2015). "Quality and use of science for policy: the case of the EU renewal of authorisation for cultivation of genetically modified maize MON810" Paper presented at the Academic Forum on the Ethical, Social and Legal Aspects of Agrofood Biotechnologies, Bilbao, Spain
  • Chvátalová, V. and Flegr, J. (2013). "Lower intelligence in Toxoplasma gondii infected men" Poster presented at the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Chvátalová, V. and Flegr, J. (2012). "Muži s latentní toxoplasmózou mají nižší inteligenci než muži neinfikovaní [Men with latent toxoplasmosis have lower intelligence than non-infected men]" Paper presented at the Czech and Slovac Ethological Society Conference, Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic
  • Chvátalová, V., Flegr, J., Volný, J. and Klose, J. (2010). "Snížená inteligence Toxoplasma-pozitivních – Toxoplasma není na vině [Lower intelligence in Toxoplasma-infected subjects – Toxoplasma is not to blame]" Paper presented at the Czech and Slovac Ethological Society Conference, Smolenice, Slovakia


Advanced (C1)
Advanced (C1)
Intermediate (B1)
Advanced (C1)
Bilingual or Proficient (C2)


Sustainable agriculture, environmental risk assessment, transdisciplinary research, science-policy interface

Communication, organisation and teaching of dance and movement classes, social media marketing, ecosomatics


Sustainable Development Officer

Charles University
04.2024 - 6 2024


Česká Společnost Ornitologická (BirdLife)
10.2023 - 03.2024


Our Common Home
04.2023 - 06.2023

Regional Development Administration Officer

Ministry of Regional Development
02.2023 - 06.2023

Junior Specialist

10.2020 - 07.2022

Research assistant

Graz University of Technology
02.2018 - 04.2018

Ph.D. - Environmental Studies

Masaryk University
05.2014 - 05.2020

Master of Science - Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology

Charles University
10.2010 - 05.2012

Bachelor of Science - Biology

Charles University
10.2007 - 05.2010

Ph.D. Candidate - Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology

Charles University
04.2001 - 05.2014
Veronika ChvátalováTransdisciplinary Researcher